WHY YOU NEED TO DRINK JIGSIMUR HEALTH DRINK EVERYDAY PART 2 Now I want us to know that Jigsimur Health Drink has mineral nutrients such as Magnesium, potassium, Zinc which is known to boost immune system. I was talking with someone and I said something I wish to let you all know, HIV / AIDS weakens the IMMUNE SYSTEM and makes the body as FRAGILE AS THAT OF A NEW BORN BABY. A new born child cannot be exposed to cold, heat, mosquito bite, bad water and all these sort of harsh environments because the child's immunity is low, that's why IMMUNIZATION is carried out regularly to boost the child's immune system and make his/her body strong enough to fight against any form of diseases or infection. NOTE: Please note I am mentioning a Child doesn't mean you should take Jigsimur and give it to that child, please JIGSIMUR is not for children below the age of 15yrs, pregnant women and breastfeeding / nursing mothers. Now Jigsimur Health Drink is very ...